Resetting the pins

For those blog-curious folks wondering where I've been, I'd love to claim it's been lots of this occupying my time...

Wolski's taught me effectively nothing about bowling. Lessons were learned there, though...long ago.

Wolski's taught me effectively nothing about bowling. Lessons were learned there, though...long ago.

Closer to the truth - I've been prepping for my next research trip. In less than two weeks, I leave for Finland and Sweden. I do want to reset the pins here, though. Plenty to comment upon, I assure you. Good stuff. All will be revealed, in due time.

But for now, Seattle's hosting AWP. Sounds borderline infectious. Actually, it's just a big ol' conference  - possibly distracting, possibly bolstering - for writers, teachers, boozehounds, and those drawn to such rabble. I'm on a panel - drawn from my volunteer work with 826 Seattle (and 826 Valencia, when we formerly lived in San Francisco). I plan to chat it up with the pooling intelligentsia for a few days. Discussions I suspect will include the newly released collection of essays MFA vs. NYC (edited by Chad Harbach) and the unmasked GSElevator's soon-to-be laughable book deal. Or, at least, those are the subjects I look forward to bringing up. I also look forward to picking and choosing and offering a few observations. Mostly over on Twitter. It's all one big connected data burrito, though, for those who care to look for the beans and cheese.

I suppose I should bring the setup 'round home...and get back to the game now that I've reset the pins. Holler if you're around Seattle - currently or in the future. Even if we don't know each other, I'll take that as my cue to come over and say "hey."