I'm no longer surprised by the U.S. Congress. Reluctantly. They simply can't help themselves. Even the most hopeful among us increasingly expect our elected representatives will hijack any debate to redirect the conversation, bog down any bill with unnecessary junk, and gut any requirement in favor of alleged allegiance. So it went yet again with the Farm Bill. People aren't paying attention, so any desire to tease out what's most offensive about this debate is an exercise in futility. The underlying point remains that...well, nothing changes. Operationally or philosophically. Most disturbing (should be) that all current funding levels stay the same. Whether too little or too much. And our preparation for future disasters - whether flood or drought or a 17-year-cycle of cicadas - remains nonexistent.
Happy Happy Happy Solstice, America.
The Teapot Dome Service Station in Zillah, WA reminds us of a simpler time. When government scandal led to...um, novelty architecture?